Off The Grid: 7 Old-Fashioned, Grandma-Approved Health Remedies That Actually Do Work


7 Old-Fashioned, Grandma-Approved Health Remedies That Actually Do Work


Many old health remedies are defined by folklore, myth and the varying claims of natural healers across the centuries. Beyond the claims, however, studies have shown that certain natural remedies actually can provide effective relief for illness and disease.
Here are seven of the best natural remedies that have stood the test of time.
1. Honey
The first recorded use of honey as a medicinal treatment was 3,000 years ago in Egypt. Since then, honey has been found to:
Improve digestion – Use a tablespoon or two to counteract indigestion.
Relieve nausea – Mix honey with ginger and lemon juice to help counteract nausea.
Treat acne – It can be used as a face cleanser to fight off acne and is gentle on all skin types. Take half a teaspoon, warm between hands and spread on face gently. Leave on for 10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water and pat dry.
Lower cholesterol.

Improve circulation – Raw honey makes your brain function optimal by strengthening the heart and improving blood circulation.
Reduce insomnia – Add a tablespoon to warm milk to help increase melatonin output and help you sleep.
Provide probiotic support – Raw honey is full of natural probiotics which promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut.
Treat allergies – If sourced locally, raw honey can help reduce seasonal allergies.
Moisturize skin – A spoonful of raw honey mixed with olive oil and a squeeze of lemon can be used as a hydrating lotion.
Treat eczema – Use it as a topical mixture of equal parts of honey and cinnamon.
Reduce inflammation – Raw honey has anti-inflammatory agents that can treat respiratory conditions such as asthma.
Help wounds heal – Raw honey used topically can help speed healing time for mild burns, wounds, rashes and abrasions.
Treat urinary tract infections – Due to its antibacterial properties.
Relieve sore throat – Mix with lemon or peppermint oil for fast acting benefits or add to tea.
2. Licorice root
Although native people often chewed the entire root raw, the roots of the licorice plant when dried and chopped can be made into a tea.

Licorice root has been found to help the following:
Digestive ailments – Add one teaspoon of powdered licorice root to a cup of hot water. Cover, steep for 10 minutes, and strain. Drink two or three times a day for a week.
Respiratory infections – Drink a few cups of licorice root tea every day. You also can mix ½ teaspoon of licorice powder with a little honey.
Canker sores – Due to anti-inflammatory and mucosa-healing properties.
Liver health – Drink a cup of licorice root tea to promote liver health. Add ½ teaspoon of licorice root to a cup of hot water. Cover, steep for five to 10 minutes, and strain. Drink this tea once daily for a week, take a break for a couple of weeks, and then repeat.
Teeth and gums – The antibacterial and antimicrobial properties in licorice root can prevent the growth of cavity-causing bacteria, reduce plaque, fight bad breath and keep your teeth and gums strong and healthy……More Here

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