There will be no reprieves for them – Eurozone economy flatlines amid latest ECB efforts



A picture illustration shows the Euro currency logo reflected in a person's eye, in central Bosnian town of Zenica, March 13, 2015.  REUTERS/Dado Ruvic

A picture illustration shows the Euro currency logo reflected in a person’s eye, in central Bosnian town of Zenica, March 13, 2015. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic

From America to Canada, and from Australia, New Zealand, back over to Europe God is making His presence known and felt as the system implodes. It matters not what they do or try to stave off or get somkind of reprieve .

Nothing, absolutely nothing is working for them. This is a description of the entire Western/white world….”According to radio and television, and according to individual conversation — and according to conversation heard between government officials concerning their problem of trying to find a way to peace for their people — and a way to find stoppage of the fall of their money market and unemployment — and a stoppage to the revolutions between the dissatisfied and the dissatisfied — and to find a way to be able to eat — and to keep the hungry eating from his own labor — pacification is offered but it does not satisfy.”-pg.255(tfoa)

Eurozone economy flatlines amid latest ECB efforts

They are not able to muster enough power through brain thought to stop what God has put into motion. Now the people are starting to eat from the consequences of their corrupted system. They are now being fed a healthy dose of the medicine of wealth destruction and extreme poverty being imposed on them as they delighted to impose on others.

So, with “The Worst Yet To Come,” I say to you my Black brothers and my Black sisters fly to Allah. Allah is bringing the world of Adam to it’s knees.

Everywhere that we look, and everything that we can think about, marks the end of this world. ….”The destruction and fall of the world that we have known is now without a doubt, in process. When we refer to the world, we are referring to the world of the white man, for the world of the Black man has yet to come in.

The world of the Black man, by divine guidance, is now merging in on the old world of the white race. This makes the destruction and fall of the world of the white man imminent.

Here in America we can see nothing but the fall of America. It is no secret. It is obvious to the eyes that are open. If we want to close our eyes and minds and claim that we do not see and understand, then we will be falling ourselves.

This refusal to see is fool-hardy for regardless to how we may desire to see the old world stand, we do not have the power to stave off the destruction that causes the world of the white man to fall.

The destruction and power that is bringing about the fall of the world of the white man is coming from Allah (God). In the past history of the world of the white man, there never was a time of destruction of his world like the present time.

It is useless for you to try to prevent the fall of the white man’s world. There is no checking it.”-pg.170(tfoa)

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