Empire of Bases – Trapped in a divine “Catch22”


Empire of Bases – Trapped in a divine “Catch22”

045-1210102928-oil-empireAmerica is seeing times never before seen or witnessed. Her war machine, with it’s insatiable appetite for war and domination, is causing the US economy to implode. With it’s ever bloated budgets America is fallen into decay.

The Pentagon/Defense Department has proven that there is nothing defensive about that department nor the nations foreign policy. It is all offensive. It is all about ever expanding and domination.

This has economic dimensions to it. Some of which, if not carefully examined and taken to heart, with make the war machine turn inwardly to eat up the liberties and people that it claims it’s wars and regime change around the world is instituted to protect.

It is already at this point. The American war machine is growing more arrogant, desperate, and belligerent by the day. Can you see how insane it has become? It is provoking it’s own creditors to war.

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