This is America….


This is America….


3-reasons-americans-are-abandoning-mcdonalds There is no stopping this thing. What has been set in motion is terrific. I mean that it’s completely terrible….”I use the word “terrible” because it is not a thing that can be described as something mild, or something that is moving slowly, nor something that can be recognized as easily by the common people.

It is clear to all who can see that America has reached the stage about which she always has been warned. She always has wanted to keep it a secret, because of her so-called Negro slaves.

She never desired for the slave to know too much of what was in store for her, because of her enslaving and mistreating her slaves. She has reared them for the past 400 years — and she knows them. She knows how they think and how they react to her teachings, and she knows their fear of her. She knows her slaves, but the slaves do not know America — their slavemaster.

The great, dreadful and awful day (doom) is now in the doors and windows of America, and of the church — the religion of America.”-Chp.48(tfoa)

Look at the mass closings of businesses. Look at the growing unemployment. Look at the state of affairs for families and how they can no longer provide economic security for themselves, much less their families which depend on them.

The situation across America is becoming more and more dire by the day. Yes indeed her society is suffering massive decay and despair. These are hurdles are obstacles she will not be able to overcome!

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