Battlefield Europe…As thou has done


Battlefield Europe…As thou has done

warw4Isn’t it something that America lies thousands of miles across the Atlantic Ocean which divides her and Europe, and Europe which is right on Russia’s doorstep is following America’s line of an aggressive Russia? Think over that. America incorporated former Soviet territories into her military wing called NATO, and built up might of forces on Russia’s borders, yet Russia, which has no bases close to the US, is being called “A Threat” & “Aggressive”!

The imperial spin is unbelievable. It is what we called Bizzaro world. That is… the very opposite of reality & truth! She lies constantly and the only time she is not lying is when her government’s lips aren’t moving, and still you have to beware!

Here desire is to rule completely. She is obsessed with total power over all. Both super powers want to be the dominant one. Neither one will willingly allow the other one to completely dominate therefore a clash of power blocks is a certainty.

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