70ft high waves batter Hawaii’s coastal home front


nature rebellingThe so-called American Negroes are now in a time when they must decide on life or death. The world we have known is on its way out, and it wishes to carry you and me with it. But, it will not. It can’t because God is now here in person handling the affairs.

They see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory’ (St. Luke 21:25-27). God is now unleashing His might on this world, especially here in America. You will bear me witness that we are living in such time as mentioned in the prophecies of the scriptures.

The magnetic powers of the moon will bring about such tidal waves of seas and oceans as man has never witnessed before: the sea and waves roaring. As men’s hearts fail them with fear at the sea, looking upon great tidal waves coming toward them like mountains, they also shall see such a great display of power from Allah (God) in the sky that their hearts will fail.

The die is set. America must receive destruction. She is now being touched by the fury of nature, with more deadlier destructions on their way….”The heavens and the earth belong to Allah (God). Now it is His time to rule.

There is much prophecy concerning the terribleness of the judgment of the wicked.

The power that is in the water is in the Hand of Allah (God) to use it against whom He pleases. The earth, wind, rain, snow and ice and earthquakes are controlled by Allah (God).

It is a fearful sight to see the Display of His Power with the forces of nature bowing and submitting to His Will. I should warn you that this is now coming into action against the Western world.”-Chp.51(tfoa)

Giant Waves Lash Hawaii Oceanfront Homes In Historic Surf Event

And a second swell is barreling toward the islands.

Every so often, Mother Nature shows off her raw and unforgiving power.

In Hawaii, that force has been on display all week, thanks to a pair of gigantic, back-to-back swells, which generated waves large enough to overtake beach parks, wash across roadways and damage oceanfront properties.

“We’re seeing very, very huge wave heights,” Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell said this week. “We’re seeing very dangerous situations.”

The initial swell brought wave faces of up to 70 feet in certain areas Monday, Hawaii News Now reports. A stronger-than-usual El Niño was fueling one of the strongest surf events in Hawaii in 50 years, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

In an unprecedented move, state officials shut down a 12-mile stretch of Kamehameha Highway, on the north shore of Oahu, in response to ocean surges that washed over the roadway…..More Here

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