Systemic Breakdown – As the system tanks you will see more and more desperation from both the people and their governments.


Systemic Breakdown – As the system tanks you will see more and more desperation from both the people and their governments.


collapse and riotsLet me say this loud enough so the whole world can hear it, see it, and understand it! -THIS IS THE END! The entire system is imploding. There will be no more lagging behind. Time is moving on and so too is this devil and his world.

As I always say, Prophecy must be fulfilled. It is now being fulfilled, because time is bringing about these things that were spoken of by the prophets of God.

As the system tanks you will see more and more desperation from both the people and their governments. As the system nears its eventual end you will here and see more and more deception and deceit. There will be no encores for this thing here!

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