Western Poli-Tricks Are Losing Their Luster


Western Poli-Tricks Are Losing Their Luster


magician-shutterstock_131728910-720x340The hypocrisy of the Western world is beyond stunning. Thing is, they display it open in full view, yet you say nothing. You swallow the propaganda lines of the Western media.

Everything “White” is right. As long as you are their stooge or minion then there is little to no outcry. If you establish yourself as an independent leader, people, or nation and then move towards sovereign independent policies for your own survival and sovereign acts, then you get demonized and threatened.

You become a “Tyrant”, “Despot,” “Dictator,” “Butcher,” and other uncivilized names, yet in all, when you look at the global climate and the insecurity you would have to admit that it is the “White” or Western nations that has robbed, killed, destroyed, deceived, and occupied others….and continue to do so today.

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