Their power to rule is being broken


Their power to rule is being broken

Anti-fascists_riot_in_Athen All across the European continent hell is breaking out. With the loss of international prestige, power, influence and wealth, the scene at home is deteriorating. They are becoming restless. The governments are on edge.

What they see is the implosion of not only European unity, they see this thing for what it is, they see it as the collapse of Western civilization.

From France to the European economic and political juggernaut of Germany, there is division, high unemployment, closing businesses, high debt, and a butt load of desperation. Nothing can bring them into a better state of civility.

The time for them is up and the worst is still yet to come. They are now reaping the world wind of their privileged unjust and evil policies that they delightfully put on others around the world. It has now comeback to their own shores and borders.

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