When The U.S. Dollar No Longer Exists


dollar There was a time not long ago when a people thought that the US economy could not falter & the US dollar could not fall. If you spoke against either you were look on with content by those who were inebriated and drunk off American power and the mirage of American wealth.

There was also a time long ago when a little man by the name of Elijah Muhammad told the world at large that America would fold up under divine chastisement. He told us about the coming(which is now here) American economic collapse.

This man filled us in on how she would become isolated internationally. On top of that we were informed by him that the world would rise up against her unjust rule and one of the main tools of American power would be broken. This tool is the US dollar.

Now it is cool to hear Peter Schiff, Gerald Celente’, Jim Rogers, and others recognize what Muhammad taught decades upon decades ago. Why? Because this is a time of sweet vindication for the servants of The One True God who is now in person and on the scene.

When The U.S. Dollar No Longer Exists – Jeff Nielson

Janet Yellen and the Federal Reserve think that now is finally the time to normalize U.S. interest rates. As was already explained in a recent commentary , this could only be considered a financial “torpedo” deliberately aimed at a crippled economy.

The U.S. retail sector has already been mired in a Greater Depression for several years . Fifty million permanently unemployed Americans have simply given up hope of ever finding work and have left the workforce. Tens of millions more search desperately for jobs that actually pay a livable wage – jobs that don’t exist. The U.S. manufacturing sector had already started to collapse just before Yellen launched her first torpedo.

This has already been discussed. However, Yellen and the Fed-heads are now on a public relations blitz as this corrupt institution endeavours to explain how/why, after seven years of broken promises , it has finally begun raising rates now. And the Fed has a lot of “explaining” to do.

The Federal Reserve is a criminal accomplice of Wall Street and the Big Bank crime syndicate . The central “business” of this crime syndicate is the eight-year bubble-and-crash cycles that it orchestrates in our markets. The cycles are approximately eight years long in order to be synchronized with the U.S. election cycle.

The reason why this timing is necessary is because the political stooges of this Two-Party Dictatorship are also employees of the crime syndicate. The (apparently) rancorous mud slinging that takes place continuously between the two parties is nothing but political theatre for the slack-jawed masses in order to create the illusion that the United States still has a “democracy.”

The crashes are staged, conveniently, just as one party is leaving office and can thus be fingered as the scapegoat. The other half of the dictatorship then (supposedly) rides to the rescue of the economy with the feeble-minded electorate already forgetting that the incoming party is the same cast of buffoons whom they had blamed for the previous crash before that.

The last bubble-and-crash cycle ended with the Crash of ’08. Thus, for the last seven years, the Federal Reserve’s (real) masters have demanded “easy money.” The Fed has obliged with the most extreme/insane monetary fraud in the history of human commerce….More Here

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