Pharaoh & Modern Egypt(America) is being folding up under the weight of JUSTICE!


Pharaoh & Modern Egypt(America) is being folding up under the weight of JUSTICE!

21stormWhy do you think so many plagues are coming upon America? Why do you think that she is being rattled and flooded, frozen and burned? Why is this followed up with terrific drought and sinkholes?

Has America done something she is hiding? Has she angered the Lord of The worlds? If so, what is she hiding from you?

Like it or not America is being paid back for all of the hell that she has heaped upon the souls of Black America, and continues to heap upon them, with her hypocritical murderous cannibalistic practices.

From the North to the South and from East to West Nature is whipping her behind. Have you ever stopped to think…Why? Why Here? Why now?

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