We have arrived at 32 seconds just before the Midnight hour & war is coming(Pt.2)


We have arrived at 32 seconds just before the Midnight hour & war is coming(Pt.2)


Doomsday-Clock-Announcement-Death-Destruction-553614Just like we told you. America strategically used these terrorists to seize Syrian airbases to render Syrian forces air defenses little effective to absolutely useless. Now under the cover of Syrian/Russian air forces, the Syrian ground campaign has yielded massive results.

Syrian army gains more strategic grounds in Aleppo (Battle Scene)

These forces have seized back, one after another, airbases that had fallen. This puts tremendous pressure on Turkey. This puts tremendous pressure on ISIL/ISIS. This puts tremendous pressure on America and her so-called allied forces.

This is one of the reasons that America is desperately trying to cobble together a coalition to justify deploying ground forces. They want to blunt the Syrian offensive that keeps retaking not only strategic areas, but also massive amounts of territory that had once been under ISIS/ISIL, de-facto US/NATO, control.

The empire is in shambles. Her plans are lying in tatters. Her politicians are trying to present a strong America. Her military officials are starting to realize that they are in over their heads.

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