Imperial Decline In the shadows of war


Imperial Decline In the shadows of war

0520_shadow-war-624x414As we have been saying without letup, North Africa/The Middle East(Near East) is the jump off for a war that once it’s ignited, will not be contained ,because it will swiftly bring in bigger powers, thus taking it to a regional war. This is the case now in that area of the world.

They don’t see a way out. Why? Because outside forces refuse to yield in their geopolitical goals of conquest and the opposing big powers will no longer allow the West to dominate or rule in this manner.

The smell weakness in the American/British global order. They smell desperation from these two former hegemonic powers and their allies,. They are now positioning themselves on opposite sides to send a clear signal that you will not have it like you once did.

You will be challenged in every sphere of your policy goals. You will be confronted in all of your military moves. You will be broken economically because of your unsustainable debt burden and your declining dollar.

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