The second pillar of Western economic power and influence is set for a meltdown


germany-625821 We know that America is in meltdown now. What is very amazing that is not getting enough attention is that the #2 economic power of the white/Western world, Germany, is in meltdown also. The pillars of Western civilization and domination are crumbling.

Nothing can stop this. The time has come for the change of worlds. These things that we see now taking place were all foretold and must take place for a great change in wealth, power, and rulership to take place.

So indeed Messenger Elijah Muhammad has it right when he taught us that, ‘ Everywhere that we look, and everything that we can think about, marks the end of this world.”-Chp.61(tfoa)

Their world is crashing and burning. Their power is in total and utter decay and decline.

There is no longer any denying of the fact that, “The destruction and fall of the world that we have known is now without a doubt, in process. When we refer to the world, we are referring to the world of the white man, for the world of the Black man has yet to come in.”-pg.170(tfoa)

Germany heading for financial MELTDOWN set to sink the EU, says leading expert

WITH the biggest economy in Europe, Germany is the glue that underpins the eurozone but it could soon come unstuck.


Is Germany sleepwalking into financial disaster?
The country’s power is set to unravel thanks to a toxic mix of misguided policies and demographics, according to one analyst.

Germany this year dropped below Japan to have the lowest birth rate in the world.

For every 1,000 people in the European country, just 8.2 babies are born a year.

This is a huge problem because the 1950s and 1960s baby boomers are starting to enter retirement.

Germany has one of the highest basic state pensions in the world and it needs a lot of people in employment and paying tax to keep it going. ….More Here

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