State Department Counterterrorism Director arrested for trying to have sex with a child


State Department Counterterrorism Director arrested for trying to have sex with a child

JD Heyes — Natural News

There has been another major scandal in the Obama administration but you might not know much about it since the Pretorian media protecting the administration has dramatically under-reported it.

Recently a senior State Department counterterrorism official was arrested at his home on charges he solicited sex online from a minor after chatting with a detective who was posing as the child, according to government officials.

As Reuters noted in an unusually short report, the official, Daniel Rosen, was arrested by police from Fairfax County, Virginia, while at his home in Washington, D.C.

In a slightly longer report, CNN noted that Rosen had been talking online with a detective posing as a minor. The network reported that he appeared Feb. 24 before Magistrate Judge Renee Raymond wearing the blue plaid pajama pants, green fleece shirt with a charcoal winter jacket and boots he was arrested in. He was charged with a single count of use of a communications device to solicit a juvenile.

Senior staff at the State Department

CNN further reported:

An attorney for Rosen asked that his client be released on $25,000 bond, arguing that Rosen has no prior criminal record. But Raymond denied the request “given the gravity of the charge.”

The 44-year-old was extradited to Fairfax County Adult Detention Center in Virginia within a few days of his arrest. Fairfax County Police told reporters that Rosen’s charge originated from “an online investigation regarding exchanges he had with a detective.”

Police said Rosen was communicating online with a female detective from the county’s child exploitation unit. CNN reported that the detective posing as the minor was the one who went to Rosen’s home to arrest him.

Fairfax County authorities would not provide any details on Rosen’s arrest when initially reached for comment, and Rosen himself could not be contacted for comment.

“Rosen is the director of programs and policy for the State Department’s counter terrorism bureau, according to his LinkedIn profile and an online directory of department employees,” CNN stated.

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a statement that the department was aware of his arrest.

“For issues related to department personnel and for privacy reasons, we are not able to confirm the identity of the individual or specific charges. His security clearance will be suspended and he will be put on administrative leave while this proceeds to its end through any judicial process,” Psaki said.

There seems to be a pattern developing between senior federal officials and having sex with children.

As reported in January by Natural News, the one-time acting head of cybersecurity at the Department of Health and Human Services who once admitted that he was interested in the rape and murder of children will spend at least the next quarter-century behind bars after being convicted on child pornography charges.

Timothy DeFoggi, 56, of Germantown, Maryland, was convicted in August for participating in a child exploitation endeavor, as well as conspiracy to distribute child pornography and accessing a computer with the intent of viewing child pornography, said a press release from the Justice Department. The irony is not lost on the fact that this sicko was once head of cybersecurity and used a computer to do his deeds…..More Here

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