US face-saving deployment of troops to Syria will only speed up her own decline & fall


US face-saving deployment of troops to Syria will only speed up her own decline & fall


Babylon is losing. No matter where she is or what sovereign nation she is trying to overthrow, she is losing. Her elite know this and are panicked over the state of affairs.

Fearing the loss of face and the implications that comes from her multiple losses from multiple theaters of war, they are going all in. Not realizing that Allah has their minds, they think themselves to be preserving their hegemony, but in all actuality they are helping to bring down the walls of the empire.

It is just as Messenger Elijah Muhammad stated concerning America and her politicians screaming about peace and stability. He states that….”Is this the act of a real Christian, the followers of Jesus whom they preach came for the peace of mankind and to teach the sheathing of the sword and the turning of the other cheek?

Where is a good Christian among this race?

They love meddling in other people’s affairs. They are in every fight or war — it matters not with whom or where — but yet crying “Peace! Peace!” with every deadly weapon of war to provoke other nations to war.”-pg.169(tfoa)

This is America all up and down ,sideways and in and out. But then Messenger Elijah Muhammad puts something heavier on the American establishment to think over. He states….”Shall not the God of Peace and Justice deal with you and your troublemaking as He did with those before you?

I warn every one of you, my people — fly to Allah with me for refuge. As I warned you, the judgment of this world has arrived!”-pg.169(tfoa)

US deploys special forces to overthrow Syrian government: Analyst

The US deployment of Special Operations forces to Syria is part of a “confused policy” to overthrow the Syrian government, a writer and political analyst in Boston says.

“This whole thing is so convoluted and confusing,” said Daniel Patrick Welch, an activist and outspoken critic of US foreign policy.

“It’s just a part and parcel of the whole confused policy; the policy has always been to overthrow the sovereign government of Syria,” Welch told Press TV on Tuesday.

“This is the beginning of the end for the US empire,” he added. “A dying empire is a long, slow and ugly thing.”

In a major policy shift for US President Barack Obama, Washington will deploy dozens of special operations troops to northern Syria from next month to “train, advise and assist” militants fighting Daesh (ISIL) terrorists and the Syrian government.

“We are not putting US troops on the front lines fighting firefights with ISIL,” Obama said in an interview on “NBC Nightly News” on Monday.

The US forces will remain in Syria for the foreseeable future and the White House has no plan to send more if they are successful in helping make gains on Daesh-held territory.

The deployment comes amid Russia’s intensifying campaign in the country to assist President Bashar al-Assad in fighting against ISIL.

Russia’s airstrikes against ISIL have exposed America’s false and ineffective battle against the terrorist group, Welch noted.

He also expressed hope that the Syrian government will eventually defeat foreign-backed militants and will survive with the country’s sovereignty intact.

Syria has been gripped by foreign-backed militancy since March 2011. The crisis has claimed the lives of more than 250,000 people so far and displaced millions of others.

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