The Syrian Dilemma – America’s move to put lipstick on a pig


The Syrian Dilemma – America’s move to put lipstick on a pig


Can you say “And act of war?” Can you say “A War Crime?” Can you say “Imperial Hubris?”

The latest announcements by the empire are in breach of all international laws and norm. These same acts where once attributed to the Nazis and they were shot, gassed, and hung for war crimes and crimes against humanity!

America is openly telling the world that she is deploying troops illegaly into a sovereign nations to supply weapons to internationally recognized terrorist to wage a terror campaign against a government that refuses to bow to her policy and dictates.

US airdrop in Syria a response to Russia

She has an unquenchable thirst for blood. She has an insatiable appetite for the destruction of other nations and peoples independence, sovereignty, and destiny.

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