



Knowing that the time of her reign is up and that judgment is set against her in every field of operation, America now is swinging wildly. Her situation in the Middle/Near East is tenuous at best. She sees the unraveling of policy to push for “Greater Israel” and to balkanize then subject these nations to her whims of power projection and resource theft.

The lightbulb went off and now they realize that they are no longer just fighting for regime change. They are now in a fight for prestige. They are now in a fight to maintain their position. And they are in the fight of their lives to try to stave off destruction and the arrival of their doom!

The politicians and the military officials are starting to get the message. We are nearing the end of America’s adventures in the Near East. She is being challenged. And being challenged to the point wherein she is being exposed as the emperor with no clothes.

Troubled beyond your imagination, the evil machinations of American Empire enters it’s final hoorays. She is now escalating the situation in Syria and Iraq with her intentions clearly being telegraphed to Russia and Iran.

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