Some US allies are getting cold feet in the Syrian war zone, even as Russian firepower melts the ice


  Some US allies are getting cold feet in the Syrian war zone, even as Russian firepower melts the ice


It was just before Russian military forces entered the fray all of the Western nations were talking about bombing Assad and removing him from power. One right after the other…and these others were all members of NATO, they coordinated their public announcements to send warplanes, troops, drones, and other assets to the region to “fight ISIS” and remove Assad from power.

From France to Britain and America over to Australia, they acted as if these announcements were spur of the moment wand were not connected to NATO’s plans of control chaos and destroying independent sovereign nations that refused to bow to them. They didn’t do it under the banner “NATO”. They are very deceptive and sly.

These nations announced their moves separately as not to give the appearance that this was indeed a NATO operation. Those who have the geopolitical eyes saw right through it though and new these steps were coordinated and launch from Washington D.C. in preparations for a larger more destructive purpose.

Now France has backtracked on some of it’s demands. Britain is twisting up words. Turkey is more compliant.

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