NATO sees the war signals from Russia and they’re nervous


  NATO sees the war signals from Russia and they’re nervous


Isn’t it quite amazing how no one says a words when America sends her 12 carrier groups off the shores of other nations in breach of international law and as an aggressive and provocative signal to the nations she is deployed against? She ignores the security concerns of others as she deploys and sometimes redeploys warships, air defense systems, radars, troops, and warplanes close to others.

It is only when other nations demonstrate that you don’t have any monopoly of this, that she gets jittery. Do you remember her false flag terror attacks in Syria she used to justify the deployment of dozens of warships off the Syrian coast? Do you remember the deployment of an entire aircraft carrier group to the Persian Gulf to intimidate Iran?

How about her deployment of nuclear armed bombers to Japan and South Korea as she escalated tensions with North Korea? Do you remember these things. Let us not forget the hundreds if not thousands of bombing runs she took part in over Libya.

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