The US desperate deployment of 30,000 troops to Asia will not end well for her


The US desperate deployment of 30,000 troops to Asia will not end well for her


It is flipping amazing to me at how arrogant white America and it’s imperial aristocracy are, even as they face run away deficits, under heard of debt burdens, international isolation, decline of their influence globally, and financial ruins due to greed, entitlement, deceit, and theft.

It is hard to believe the way they rationalize their entitled policy of being the world’s policeman without having to conform to the laws that they demand others to do. This is one of the main reasons why the nations are stirring and the people are rising up against her meddling and her presence in their neck of the globe.

It matters not whether it is near her borders or thousands of miles from her geographic address, she tries to force any and everyone to conform to her demands or face war, destabilization, economic sanctions, and/or a massive military buildup near them.

No matter what or where, America is always just or right in her provocations against others, yet no one is right in their standing up against her destabilizing and provocative acts. In her eyes she is always right and everyone is is always wrong if they refuse to bow to her ideas, culture, policy, or demands.

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