The significance of the Pope address to the US Congress: The Dragon gave power unto the Beast


The significance of the Pope addressing the US Congress: The Dragon gave power unto the Beast


You can tell that they’re desperate. They are ramping up their deceit to unheard of levels. Knowing that they have a short time, America(the beast in the Bible) has invited and promoted the visit of the Pope(The dragon in the Bible). This is the God that this world prays to unknowingly.

We must remember that the deceiver actually has deceived us. The coming of God in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad (to Whom praise is due forever)is to make manifest this arch deceiver’s work against us and to acquaint us with the nature of the arch deceiver – that deceit is part of his very nature.

The Pope of Rome is the god of this world and he sees his world being crushed or taken from him. His most powerful pillar of white domination and anglo cultural promotion, America, is in trouble therefore he knows that his grip on power and that his world is dying out.

The Bible puts it like this…..

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