US caught off-guard…Syria would request Russian troops to joint anti-Daesh fight if needed


Syria would request Russian troops to joint anti-Daesh fight if needed


Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem says the Damascus government would ask for the deployment of Russian military forces to the crisis-hit country in case the ongoing foreign-sponsored militancy takes a turn for the worse.

“There is no joint fighting on the ground with Russian troops, but if we felt such a need, we would study it and demand,” Muallem told state-run Syrian television network on Thursday.

“So far the Syrian army is able (on its own) and what we need frankly is more of the ammunition and qualitative weapons to face the type of qualitative weapons of these terrorist groups,” he added.

Russian military support is so far restricted to arms supplies and training on new weapons from Russia, Muallem said, adding that his country’s relations with Moscow are strategic.

The remarks came on the same day that a Syrian military source, requesting not to be identified, said the Syrian army has recently started using new types of Russian-built air and ground weapons.

“The weapons are highly effective and very accurate, and hit targets precisely. We can say they are all types of weapons – be it air or ground,” Reuters quoted the source as saying, adding that Syrian army forces have received training in the use of the weapons in recent months, and are now deploying them…..More Here

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