Gold And Silver Surge, China And Russia’s Plans And Why We Are Not Ready For What Is Rapidly Bearing Down On Us


Gold And Silver Surge, China And Russia’s Plans And Why We Are Not Ready For What Is Rapidly Bearing Down On Us

With the Fed releasing its decision on interest rates tomorrow, today a 50-year market veteran spoke with King World News about the surge in gold and silver, China and Russia’s plans and why we are not ready for what is rapidly bearing down on us.

September 16 (King World News) – John Embry: “I’m surprised to see gold and silver taking off a bit heading into the Fed decision tomorrow, but I shouldn’t be having seen the fantastic piece KWN ran with Jason Goepfert…


“Now if one looks at the turmoil in emerging markets and listens to the various advice emanating from various international organizations, one would have to bet on no rate hike at this point.

In addition, the U.S. economy is far weaker than the authorities care to admit. And on that basis the last thing necessary at this juncture is a rate hike. However, recently the U.S. has appeared to have minimal interest in the travails of other nations, and the administration has to be more concerned about the vulnerability of the over-owned and overvalued U.S. dollar.

King World News – Bill Fleckenstein – China’s Gold Accumulation And Their Plans For The Yuan, Stocks Struggle, Plus A Bonus Q&A

China And Russia’s Plans To Crush The Dollar

They have good reason to be concerned as China and Russia continue to make plans for the elimination of the dollar in many international transactions. The demise of the petrodollar, which has existed since the early 1970s, appears imminent due to the growing financial issues in the petroleum-producing nations.

Having said all that, nothing would surprise me in the Fed’s decision this Thursday. But I would say that if the Fed does opt for a rate hike, I suspect it will one-and-done. That is because of the incredible leverage that is built in to the global financial system through a combination of staggering quantities of debt and unfathomable amounts of derivatives. So the U.S. cannot stand higher rates at this point because of the massive debt.

The powers that be are having a hard enough time trying to keep the economy and financial system afloat with a zero-based interest rate policy. However, one area where they have been very successful is in the ongoing suppression of the precious metals. Irrespective of the news backdrop, much of which is very friendly to gold and silver, both monetary metals have been corralled in the paper markets for quite some time…..More

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