America wide-open: Shedding more blood than ever with a thirst for more


America wide-open: Shedding more blood than ever with a thirst for more


She is what she is, the blood shedder. There is no getting around this fact. Bloodshed is what she does and as long as she is allowed to exist, bloodshed is what she will do.

She has an unquenchable thirst for the shedding of blood and the killing of people. For this is the foundation of her republic. This is how she was founded. She all but annihilated our Red Indian brothers here in North America.

She kidnapped our people from Asia/Africa and forced us to suffrage and slavery for 310 years without paying them a dime. She continues to kill the ex-slaves at nausea. Her hands are soaked in the blood of the aboriginal people and that of others.

Whether it’s around the globe or within her own borders, there is no such thing as law and order. The law is disregarded, as though it were thrown in the jungles to be carried out by savage beasts. Murdering, killing, robbery, raping, and drug addiction are the only law and order that is respected.

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