No one trusts America: Lavrov suspicious about US motive in fighting Daesh


Lavrov suspicious about US motive in fighting Daesh


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov voices skepticism about the sincerity of the US, as the leader of the so-called international anti-Daesh coalition, in the fight against the Takfiri militants in the Middle East.

In an interview with Russia’s Channel One TV on Sunday, Lavrov said Moscow has been informed by sources in the US-led coalition that there have been instances when Washington would refuse to authorize airstrikes on confirmed Daesh positions, adding that this raises questions about the US motives.

“I hope that I won’t fail anyone, saying that some of our colleagues from the coalition states say that they receive information where exactly, on which positions the [so-called] Islamic State (Daesh) troops are located, but the commander of the coalition [of course, from the US] doesn’t approve the strike,” he said.

“I could suspect that apart from the claimed purpose – fighting [the so-called] Islamic State – there is something else [as the aim] of the coalition,” he added.
Since late September 2014, the US and some of its Arab allies have been conducting airstrikes against Daesh militants inside Syria without any authorization from Damascus or a UN mandate. The airstrikes in Syria are an extension of the US-led aerial campaign against purported ISIL positions in Iraq, which started in August 2014.

The airstrikes have hit Syrian infrastructure and caused civilian deaths. This is while there have been many reports of the air raids sparing Daesh convoys…..More Here

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