A display of power for America: Pakistan and China launch Shanheen-4 joint air drill


A display of power for America: Pakistan and China launch Shanheen-4 joint air drill


Just incase you missed it or you were just plain unaware of it. The Chinese & Pakistani Air-forces undertook a massive military drill, which is still underway. This is a precedent for both Air-forces. Everything from fighter bombers to AWACS to advanced warplanes are being used.

Remember we told you that things are getting very serious. Nations are preparing for what is set to happen. They know that America is desperate and swinging wildly for a hail Mary to come through for them in the last days of their power.

This is a major demonstration of power projection and unified command of both nations armed forces. Notice that this drill was not in the Western media. Why?

America knows that this was a signal to her. She is very shrewd and is trying to keep you from knowing that these drills being conducting all around the world by multiple nations, are a response to her arrogance and belligerence and is sending a message that when war begins, you will have hell to pay!

Pakistan and China launch Shanheen-4 joint air drill

Shaheen (Eagle)-4, a joint drill between the air forces of China and Pakistan, began on Sunday in China, a military spokesperson announced.

The Chinese contingent includes fighter jets, fighter bombers and early warning planes while its Pakistani counterpart dispatched fighter jets and early warning planes, according to Air Force spokesperson Shen Jinke.

Shen did not say how long the drill would last.

The joint exercise is part of a series of military exchange programs between the two air forces, Shen said, adding that the PLA Air Force was willing to expand the scope of cooperation with various countries.

The first such drill was held in Pakistan in March 2011, the second in China’s western Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region in September 2013, and the third was held in the Pakistani Punjab region in May last year.


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