US using Korea tensions to contain China….But her(China’s) breakout is unavoidable!


US using Korea tensions to contain China….But her(China’s) breakout is unavoidable!


No matter how you say it, it’s all the same things. Just worded differently. America most definitely sees her end in sight. She is well aware of what has to come to her via prophecy and the time.

What are we seeing today? This Yellow Chinese man building up economically and militarily. To do what? To take on this white American nation.

Messenger Elijah Muhammad forewarned that the Yellow man of China was preparing himself to take on this American beast in Asia. America is wise to this this is why she continues to play the conquer and divide card. Thinking that she is as wise as God, which is totally delusional, she is making more geopolitical moves to try to out think God.

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