Imperial Rule through balkanization – The MiddleEast will soon turn into a sea of blood


Imperial Rule through balkanization – The MiddleEast will soon turn into a sea of blood


Many of you may look at this article and not give a second thought. But in reality what Syrian President Assad has stated is quite true. the so-called Islamic state has not attacked the Zionist entity called Israel.

It has not attacked America. They have not attacked a single NATO base in the Near East. In fact If you look at the expansion of US lead Western forces in the Middle East, you will see that first Syrian & Iraqi bases & cities are bombarded and attacked by ISIL/ISIS. Then you see American/Western forces expand their troop deployments and aerial bombardments.

So the pattern by the West is to train, finance, supply, then deploy ISIL/ISIS to lead off with the attacks, then claim to want to fight them, so they then deploy more weapons, more troops, and more warplanes to the territories of the very nations that want them out of the Middle East.

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