Where the money is, is where the heart is …..The Middle East is full of corrupt leaders!


Where the money is, is where the heart is …..The Middle East is full of corrupt leaders!


Now you have one of the main reasons after “the Petro Dollar”, that Iraq was bombed, then balkanized. These so-called Muslims in the Middle East are corrupt to the core and then they want to tells us that we who follow Messenger Elijah Muhammad, aren’t real muslims.

They are crazy as hell. The Middle East has become a divided, corrupt, wicked, evil, mirrored image of the West. They will sellout Islam for the dollar and the gifts of the West, yet always are screaming “Allah-U-Akbar!

Allah is definitely the greatest, but the deeds of these corrupt leaders in that region does not back up their rhetoric. They say out of their mouths what is not in their hearts.

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