The Stakes Are Too High: US Can’t Afford to Lose Asia…If/When She Loses Asia, She Loses Out!


The Stakes Are Too High: US Can’t Afford to Lose Asia…If/When She Loses Asia, She Loses Out!


Now it all comes out. Just like we told you. America knows exactly what Messenger Elijah Muhammad taught concerning America and what is to come to her in Asia.

It is no longer any secret. America knows that prophecy tells us that when she goes up against that China man in Asia, The Chinese along with other Asian nations will put the whammy on her.

In this war that America will lose and lose big, it will be evident to the other nations that she is no longer the unrivaled military power that she was in her prime.

The Debate – South China Sea Tensions (May 30th)

Asia, as we have constantly being saying and reporting, will prove pivot in the Breaking of American power and influence. This is one of the main reasons that America is risking all out war now.

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