5 Centuries under their oppression should show you that “Separation is the only solution”


In all of the the growing poverty and with all of the unjust incarceration on top of the biased policing of America…. With the growing outrage of the black community over the institutionalized racism and the open murders of blacks across the country, my question is….has anyone seen this guy?


He seems to only be found when white suburbia gets hit. He can be found talking about the injustice of other nations. He talks about the brutality of other nations judicial systems, but he has been missing in action speaking about the terror that black America is facing.

It is no wonder Elijah Muhammad warned us in his speech given in the capitol of America, in 1959….”For more than four hundred years your pleas for justice, freedom, equality, a decent place in the sun have reverberated like thunderclaps sounding in the dark valleys of Lebanon. Yet there has been no answer. Never in the history of human evil have so many asked for a just pittance, so loud, so long and received in return so little, if anything at all.

The church has failed you. Christianity has failed you. The government of America has failed you. You have not received justice from any quarter. As prophesied, you, my fellow Black men, are as sheep among wolves and as is to be expected, every wolf is taking a bite at you.

You approach the Senate, the House, the White House, and you ask for justice. You get injustice. All our prayers have come to naught because we have proceeded out of ignorance. We have not known the true God. We have not known who are our brothers. We have not known who are our enemies.

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