The Coming Battle In The Sky… War is within minutes


      The Coming Battle In The Sky… War is within minutes


War is within minutes. America is trying to prepare. She knows that God is after her. She is not dumb in the least. Don’t think that America is not aware of prophecy, because she is.

….” She knows the Revelator, John, said that she would be the first that God would destroy. The Fat Beast that everybody is frightened of, kill him first, because He has killed my people! I must tell you the Truth! The time is here! It is written, but you didn’t understand it. I saw the Beast take him.

(Think over these prophesies) and the false prophets with it. I saw that Fourth and dreadful Beast that rose up on the sea and land. I saw him take him. Both prophets bear witness. He was taken, and his body was given to the burning flames. That is the prophesy of Daniel.”-pg.54(o.s.h.a.)

America knows these things so she is trying to offset divine prophecy. The world knows that,”It is impossible for America to be the victor in this universal war because of divine intervention against her. Although she has enough deadly material manufactured to try to win, can she win against Allah (God)?

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