Just like in America, Ethnic minority Brits hardest hit by Tory austerity budget


Ethnic minority Brits hardest hit by Tory austerity budget


Chancellor George Osborne’s latest budget could cut the incomes of 4 million people from black and ethnic minority communities, with Muslims among the most severely-affected groups, a new report has found.

The study, conducted by racial equality think tank the Runnymede Trust, was published on Monday.

It found the latest phase of Osborne’s austerity agenda leaves ethnic minority Britons 200 percent more likely to lose money than their white counterparts. It also predicts child poverty among these groups will grow as the Conservatives push ahead with further welfare cuts.

Trust Director Omar Khan, who authored the report, said the Conservatives’ budget risks entrenching racial inequality in Britain by stripping ethnic minority communities of their incomes faster than Caucasians.

Unveiled in early July, the budget is the first from a majority Conservative government since 1996.

On Wednesday, it emerged cash-strapped Whitehall departments could be forced to slash their budgets by up to 40 percent, as Osborne seeks to further privatize public services.

Osborne’s £20 billion (US$31 billion) worth of spending cuts planned over the next four years will be revealed in full in a spending review due to be published on November 25.

Tory plans to push ahead with further austerity have angered critics who warn of a rise of acute inequality in the UK. In a state increasingly characterized by precarious work and drastic welfare reforms, they argue further austerity will impact heavily on Britain’s most vulnerable….More Here

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