Harvest Of Empire…..The Fruits Of War From The Seeds Of Discord


  Harvest Of Empire…..The Fruits Of War From The Seeds Of Discord


Isn’t it very ironic that the South China Sea dispute between Asian nations is a bi-product of of Western imperialism and white supremacy, yet at every turn, some of the same nations(America,Great Britain, France…ect) are trying to play arbiter?

Their arrogance imperialist policy is the cause and their continued involvement lies at it’s root, yet they are trying to mediate. This is like having the lion mediate between the the antelope that it bit yesterday & the elk that it had its teeth on today, yet everyone who looks from the outside knows that the lion is responsible for both of these animals throbbing problems.

America, I must say, has done a fine job of putting into action the rule of Yakub. That is, throw the rocks from behind the tree, then whisper to those who have been hit and those who have been slightly effected in order to start the atmosphere of suspicion, that you may come in and act like the honest broker.

This is America’s policy to the tee. If either or both or the affected parties accept your mediation over their problem, then you wind up ruling them both. I now ask you…who used chemical weapons on Vietnam? Who committed genocide in the Philippines?

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