Global Terror Brought To You Courtesy Of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.


Global Terror Brought To You Courtesy Of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

syria chemical weapons assad rebels regime US invasion tomahawk missiles

It still amazes me how people still try to defend America’s involvement in every area of the world and in every other nations’ domestic affairs. Yet when it comes to her, it is an outrage by so-called US patriots for America to allow military bases on these shores.

How is it that it is OK for her to set-up 100’s if not 1,000’s of bases and military facilities on the lands of other peoples and nations, yet it is treason for the US government to allow these same type of facilities on her shores from other nations?

Do you not see the hypocrisy of the American government? Do you not see the hypocrisy of the American populous? Do you not see the air of white privilege and imperial entitlement?

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