All Eyes May Be On Greece Right Now, But In Reality, The Economic Malaise Is Widespread Across The Continent…. Donald Tusk Warns of Revolution in Europe


WO-AW983_EUROFI_G_20150628194007Man…you better wake up quickly to the reality of the fall. The entire world is now in the grips of The Great God Allah. He is nothing to be played with.

We now see her end in sight. The old world is crashing. It is going out with a bang…A pow if you will!

Implosion is ongoing. There is no way to stop the current collapse. This is known by those in the halls of power, but they are refusing to tell you because they fear the coming insurrection.

All Eyes May Be On Greece Right Now, But In Reality, The Economic Malaise Is Widespread Across The Continent…. Donald Tusk Warns of Revolution in Europe


Greece isn’t the problem, it’s a symptom of the problem

All eyes may be on Greece right now, but in reality, the economic malaise is widespread across the continent.

Italy is gasping to exit from its longest recession in history, while unemployment figures across Southern Europe remain at appalling levels.

In France, the unemployment rate is near record highs.

Finland, once a darling of the Eurozone, is posting its worst unemployment figures in 13-years.

Even in Austria growth is flat and sluggish.

It’s clear that Greece is not the problem. It’s a symptom of the problem.

The real problem is that every one of these nations has violated the universal law of prosperity: produce more than you consume.

This is the way it works in nature, and for individuals.

If you spend your entire life going in to debt, making idiotic financial decisions, and rarely holding down a stable job, you’re not going to prosper.

Yet governments feel entitled to continuously run huge deficits, rack up historic debts, and make absurd promises that they cannot possibly keep.

This is a complete and total violation of the universal law of prosperity. And as their financial reckoning days approach, history shows there are generally two options.

EU Council President Donald Tusk Warns of Revolution in Europe

Polish EU Council President, Donald Tusk, was shocked by the fierce debate over the Greek bailout in the EU Parliament. He told the FT: “It was the first time that I have seen radical with such emotions. It was almost half the European Parliament. Therefore, I believe that no one is a political winner in this process, not even Germany. “

The resentment within Europe is off the charts. We are witnessing the breakdown of the EU project. France is effectively calling for the surrender of all sovereignty to Brussels, and we have Germany demanding austerity and payment from the Greeks.

In between these two extremes lies the people of Europe who do not see themselves as Europeans, but as separate ethnic groups with distinct cultures. Even within Germany, those in Bavaria say they are Bavarian before they say they are German. This EU Project has turned Europe inside out, and the dream of one government creating peace is having exactly the opposite effect. With the turning point of the ECM is coming up in less than 90 days, we must be concerned that this could become the tipping point in Western history…..More Here


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