Mullein: The Incredible Healing Herb That Even Doubles As A Torch


Mullein: The Incredible Healing Herb That Even Doubles As A Torch


Mullein has many uses – and is known by many names. The herbal plant, which is also widely known as begger’s blanket, lungwort, and candlewick, is both tall and downy.
For hundreds of years folks dunked the mullein plant’s stalk in tallow so it could be used as a torch or candle — and it still can be used in that manner today. The soft and hairy leaves of the mullein plant earned it the begger’s blanket nickname and made it a coveted possession when folks chose, or were forced to, sleep outdoors.
Mullein grows in barren, dry places, and has been heralded for its medicinal properties for centuries. The gray-green rosette of the mullein plant produces 6- to 12-inch leaves.

When matured, the mullein plant will sprout a flowering spike with colorful yellow flowers that open one at a time. Although Mullein thrives in dry areas, it is also known to grow well in nearly any type of soil and can be grown in gardens – a great “grow-your-own pharmacy” option for off-the-grid families.
Mullein Tea
The healing properties in the plant are largely found in its flowers, leaves and roots. Native Americans and modern herbalist have used the wild plant to cure or help alleviate the symptoms or respiratory disorders.

When the mullein plant is used to make a medicinal tea, its expectorant mucilaginous juices and saponins are believed to help heal sore throats and to soothe coughs. Mullein tea has a broth-like color and consistency after brewing and the taste is sweet – another plus for any medicinal aid. The slippery tea coats the back of the throat and eases soreness.

Mullein tea is also often regarded as a sound treatment for asthma, bronchitis and various seasonal allergies. Because of their toxicity, the seeds of the mullein plant should never be used in the making of tea or oil.

Mullein tea is amazingly easy to make. Simply steep the leaves in hot water. To sweeten the taste, toss in a few of the plant’s flowers. The tea can be consumed either hot or cold without a reduction in health benefit, herbalists believe.
Anti-Bacterial Sanitizer
The mullein plant is thought to possess anti-bacterial attributes, with the ability to ward off infection. Laboratory studies have reportedly shown that the mullein plant possesses anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-tumor properties….More Here

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