This is how Allah(God) comes against His enemies….Bridge closed down for 2nd night due to massive swarms of Mayflies


Mayfly Swarm Bridge ClosedThis is how Allah comes against His enemies. He doesn’t have to use metal contraptions or the carpenter’s tools. He only says, “Be”, and it is.

Nature refuses to disobey. He is now demonstrating the power and unmatched force of divine. The devil is starting to taste the meal that God is serving up for them.

They are no fools. They know that it is God in person who is doing this. They know this, because no other nation or power on earth has been able to do it ,therefore they recognize that it must come from divine, on the order of The Supreme Being!

22639817 ….”Allah, the God of Righteousness, is with us and He just Laughs at those who try to fight against Him. He has destroyed whole nations with less than the power of rain, hail, snow and earthquakes.

The Holy Qur’an has the record of people even being destroyed by gnats. Allah (God) does not have to have something great. He does not have to go to work and get a block of iron or a mountain and throw it on them. He uses that which is with you, against you.

The forces of nature are great weapons as we see them in play upon America.”-pg.155(tfoa)

Bridge closed for 2nd night over swarms of mayflies, crashes

Mayfly Swarm Bridge Closed

WRIGHTSVILLE, Pa. (AP) — A bridge has been closed for a second straight night because of swarms of mayflies so thick they caused accidents, authorities said.

Wrightsville fire officials said the Route 462 bridge over the Susquehanna River between Columbia and Wrightsville closed at about 10 p.m. Sunday.

Chief Chad Livelsberger said a vehicle slowing because of the cloud of insects led to a crash, though he didn’t believe anyone was seriously hurt. The bridge reopened overnight.

The bridge was also shut down Saturday night after three motorcycle crashes attributed to the flies. Livelsberger says the department was dispatched to deal with one crash and saw two more crashes while on the scene. All three victims were treated at the scene.

“It was just crazy,” Livelsberger told the York Dispatch on Sunday afternoon. “It was an inch to 2 inches of mayflies on the road.”

Mayflies are attracted by light and congregate on roads, bridges and other surfaces. When cars hit them, the females’ eggs release liquid that makes roads slick.

View galleryA swarm of mayflies hovers over the Route 462 bridge …
A swarm of mayflies hovers over the Route 462 bridge over the Susquehanna River late Saturday evenin …
Livelsberger said motorists driving through a mayfly swarm should treat it like an actual blizzard, expecting zero visibility and remains creating a slick coating on the ground.

“If they’re going through something like that, err on the side of caution,” he said.

Lt. Sean Montgomery of the Columbia Borough Fire Department compared driving on the bug-covered surface to driving on ice or snow — but he said the winter scenario doesn’t include the horrendous smell, “like dead fish.”

Tom Smith of the Penn State Extension in York County said despite the hazards and annoyance that the swarms are causing, it’s actually a good thing in the broad scheme of things.

“They’re indicators of clearer water,” Smith said. “It’s indicating that the Susquehanna River’s getting cleaner.”


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