Fear grows exponentially among the elite….Oh’ yeah, they see it coming!


dedooWe are living in a time wherein we are witnessing the presence of God. This time is a time of great division and mass confusion. This is a ver perilous time.

We see wars and rumors of more wars. We see growing poverty and a disdain for life and respect of property and sovereignty. The people are dissatisfied.

KWN-Stockman-I-462015The judgment is setting in. The confusion of the governments and heads of state was prophesied to happen in the midst of the judgment. This is what we are seeing for ourselves and no one can tell us otherwise!

…..”The heads of the governments of the Christian world are confused, and they do not know that they are confused. Why? Because their greatest desire was to confuse us. Now Allah (God) has taken the confusion out of us and put it into them.”-Chp.35(tfoa)

David Stockman – Yes, Western Government’s Do Plan To Steal Money As The Financial System Collapses


Today David Stockman, the man President Ronald Reagan called upon along with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts to help save the United States from disaster in 1981, warned King World News that, yes, Western governments do plan to steal money from their citizens as the financial system implodes. Stockman also spoke about what is really happening with the global economy and why efforts to deceive the public have finally reached the limit.

Eric King: “David, we’re going to take a trip down the rabbit hole of something that’s quite terrifying for people. You’ve read the interviews from King World News with James Turk. He spoke about the ECB and bankrupt Western governments stealing people’s money right out of the banks.

This has already unfolded in Cyprus. We’re now going to see this play out in Greece. This is going to become much more frightening for people going forward as they watch this unfold. What are your thoughts as you see this developing, David?”

David Stockman: “I think this is huge and it’s much bigger than Greece. Greece is only a case in point — the flashpoint of the hour. The truth is that on a global basis the jig is up.

“There is theft going on as a result of massive money printing and central bank financial repression all over the world. Savers in the United States have been making exactly zero, after inflation and tax, maybe even negative, for 80-months now, since QE and ZIRP incepted in December of 2008. I would say that’s theft.

Central Banks Steal Money And Give It To The Banks

That amounts to a massive transfer of somewhere around $200 – $300 billion a year, from savers and depositors — many of them retirees who were counting on a lifetime worth of savings to tide them through their retirement years — to the banking system in a fraudulent and disgraceful effort to reflate the banking system and rescue the banks on the backs of savers. That’s fraud. That’s theft.

This is is now becoming a universal problem and it’s now grinding economies to a halt because without honest pricing in the financial system, without a fair bargain between savers and borrowers, the financial system can’t work. It will become unbalanced, unstable and dangerous…..More Here

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