The US Economy Is Days Away From Shutting Down


Note: This is by divine decree. Many of you think that America’s collapse is a preplanned move by those in authority. Well, you are right in a way.

It was pre-planned. God preplanned it and God is the author of America’s collapse and fall. Her history is written in the history of ancient Babylon, therefore she must succumb to the same type of destruction.

  This should be borne in mind while reading this article and viewing it’s video!!!

The US Economy Is Days Away From Shutting Down


If the back up of the container cargo ships, in American ports, continues much longer, our stores will soon look like what is pictured here.

The Global Economy Has Officially Crashed


The BDI has officially reached record lows. A global economic collapse is underway.

The Baltic Dry Index has officially hit rock bottom with unprecedented lows. The forces behind the Trans Pacific Partnership have effectively used their influence to greatly stall the delivery of critically important commodities until the TPP is fully implemented among its member nations.

Who is responsible for the crash caused by the failure to move product through the world’s ports?

Trans Pacific Partnership, Was Initiated at U.S. West Coast Ports
on February 13, 2015

The above headlines tells who is behind what is happening, it does not tell you how bad it is going to get. The unions are refusing to back down and it is for darn sure that the TPP will not back down either!

The backlog of ships is a crisis being done on purpose because the private multinational corporations want to empty the shelves in supermarkets nationwide for three or four weeks is designed to force the American people to approve the blackmail contained in the Trans Pacific Partnership. This is the economic end-game which will permit these multinational corporations to become nation-states across the planet.

Most Americans will fail to notice the threat until they can no longer purchase food in the super-markets, or mail-order prescription medications are not shipped. The sheep of this country will still be in denial that this could ever happen. The unions have now been idled, at major American shipping ports, because the multinational corporate owners of the shipping companies are keeping their ships filled with perishable goods at sea until all governmental opposition to the fast-tracked TPP is ended. Watch this video and listen to the what LA City Councilman, Joe Buscaino says when he states that even if product were to be off-loaded, in force, today, it would still take six to eight months to “get back to normal”. The United States economy does not have six to eight months to recover. It does not have six to eight days to survive the economic Armageddon that is coming.

Meanwhile, While We Slept

While the United States is fully preoccupied with global crises ranging from the fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, and the conflict in Ukraine, there is another development on the world stage which threatens the economic health of every single American and American based business. Specifically, I am referencing the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). The protocols of the TPP establish a free-trade zone/bloc stretching from Vietnam to Chile and Japan. The most draconian free trade agreement in history includes nearly a billion people which encompass almost 40% of the world’s economy. Since Obama failed to fast-track the TPP into law last year, he has made amazing progress and America is nearing its fate with economic Armageddon…..More Here

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