(5vids In.),The deceptive snake pretending to be the “Peace” dove


amli5Isn’t this the instructions of Yakub to his people? To cause division and chaos ,then step in as the peace-breaker. And if they agree to allow you to broker the peace, then you can rule them both!

amliHow can America be a guarantor of peace, when it she who is guilty of breaking the peace? How can she be trusted to insure stability, when her path around the world is filled with destruction, war, occupation, lies, and genocide?

To trust her as the instrument of peace is like the the frog trusting the snake to ensure the safety of the frog and his tadpole babies. This just doesn’t make sense.

Putin criticizes double standards in resolution of crisis in Ukraine


vmmvb2 ….”We must remember again the prediction of the Bible. It has foretold these times, if we understand the Bible. It most certainly teaches us that there is no peace for the wicked.

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