Google is developing a wristband to detect cancer cells and using HUMAN SKIN to do it


Google is developing a wristband to detect cancer cells and using HUMAN SKIN to do it

Scientists in the life sciences division of Google X laboratories are using human skin in their research to develop a wristband to detect cancer cells
The wristband would work in tandem with a pill that would cause unhealthy cells to light up
To understand how light passes through skin, Google has made molds of human arms using both synthetic and real human skin from donors

Google is making a wristband that detects cancer cells, and using human skin to do it.
Scientists in the life sciences division of Google X laboratories are working on a proactive, preventative approach to one of the world’s deadliest diseases, according to The Independent.
The wristband would work in tandem with a pill that would send nanoparticles through the body to latch on to markers of different conditions and diseases including cancer, Andrew Conrad, head of Google Life Sciences, told The Atlantic.
‘We have (the nanoparticles) circulate around your whole body looking for those cells and we collect them using a magnet and basically ask them what they saw,’ Conrad said….More Here


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