The benefits of following Washington’s sanctions against Russia – Experts say EU may face energy crisis


trouFollowing the dictates of Washington D.C. has brought the European Union to the breaking point. It is suffering division, debt overload, and a growing unemployment time bomb. They are shooting themselves in the chest to cow-tow to imperial America.

trou2 Isn’t that something? They are heavily dependent on Russia for trade, for oil, and gas, yet that have started a sanctions war that is threatening to implode the entire continent of Europe. You can believe that war won’t be far behind!

Experts say EU may face energy crisis

They cannot win a sanctions war. They are in no position to win. If these sanctions continue they will wind up pushing Europe’s debt situation past critical into full blown economic nuclear destruction.

Those with any sense know this, but those who are delusional are holding power. The present world (white people) have had their time and have gone over their time to rule. This is why nothing is working for them.

Everything they touch implodes or collapses. Nothing they try or no policy they enact solves their problems. In fact they only worsen the situation cause greater instability, pain, and fear.

European nations have become greatly divided. They are now at each others throat seeking advantage. This situation cannot continue with the outbreak of conflict, hostilities, or war.

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