Terror in Europe is from the Terror of Europe!


euo2Most of you are unaware of what is going on in Europe. With false flag operations ongoing amidst deep fiscal strife and growing social division and dissatisfaction, the continent which prided itself as the cradle of modern civilization is actually being exposed for what is truly is, a continent of war, bloodshed, incivility, racist, hypocritical, and confused devils.

euoThis video of the confusion and fear spreading across Europe is because of their rejection of divine guidance offered to them by The Last Messenger of Allah, The most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

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They are in deep trouble. All of Europe is literally bankrupt. All of Europe has become divided. The whole continent is corrupt and so arrogant as to not smell its own body waste.

Time is bringing about these things. This is to force them out of all of the other occupied nations. If their budgets are strained how can they pursue war? If they have no money or purchasing power behind their currency how can they maintain their secret colonies?

What you see perplexity of nations. You see the last hours of white power. Yes, Europe is in total decline.

All of this brings us to the prophetic words of God’s Last Apostle….”It is the desire of the white race to continue to hold power and authority over Black Africa, whether it is in Rhodesia or elsewhere. They will just have to give it up.”-pg.184(The Fall Of america)

And that brings us to this great point which is the essence of what is going on in Europe today….”As the Book says to the white race: “As Thou hast done, so shall it be done unto thee.”

The white man must return to Europe and concentrate on that continent for his future — or else concentrate on his death instead of his life — for they can no longer rule the Black man. The Black man now knows where his home is and he now is rising up to take possession of that which is his.”-pg.186(The Fall Of America)

These things are to force this devil out of all of his hidden crevices around the world. No money ,no war? No money, no power projection. And if they can’t project power, then how can they go abroad and stir up trouble?

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