Choosing The Perfect Off-Grid Power System For You


Choosing The Perfect Off-Grid Power System For You


Living off the grid gives one a sense of independence and pride. We use our own knowledge and labor to keep our off-the-grid power system up and running. For those who haven’t yet selected an off-the-grid power system, below is a review of some different options available.
What option is best depends on a lot of variables, including location and personal preference. For example, a homestead in the sunny southwest will likely have a different power system than a homestead hidden in a mountain valley. Regardless of your location, there’s a system for you.
Solar power
Solar power is a great choice for many homesteads. A solar power system can provide adequate power even when it’s not sunny all the time. Basically, a solar power system works like this: Solar panels capture energy from the sun, an inverter converts it into a form of energy that can be stored in batteries, and the batteries provide power to the homestead.

The key to a good system is battery storage. Batteries are key to the system working because they can be recharged when the sun is shining, and then power the homestead during nights and cloudy days.
Over the past few years, tremendous advances have been made in solar battery storage systems. Whereas in the past, banks of small batteries (that needed a lot of preventive maintenance) were required, today there are self-enclosed, single battery storage systems that can last 15 years with little preventive maintenance.
For most solar power systems, a back-up generator is recommended, because battery systems can store only so much energy. If it’s been cloudy for few days, and you decide to run the dishwasher, washing machine, and vacuum the floor, it won’t take long to drain the battery. Also, usually the biggest energy user on the homestead is a well pump. If it’s not sunny out so that the battery is recharging, the well pump can drain the battery.

Therefore, the back-up generator can be designed to turn on and recharge the battery if the energy level sinks to a pre-defined level. This way, power’s always available, even if the solar energy stored in the battery is depleted.
All in all, a well-designed solar power system with a back-up generator is a great option on homesteads where there’s enough room for solar panels. Solar power does require an upfront investment, especially for a high-capacity storage battery, but it pays for itself in a matter of years, and costs are continually decreasing…..More Here

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