(6vids In.)Dead Zone Geopolitics….The Future Of Europe


dz2Things are shaping up for war in Europe. As I continue to scream to the top of my lungs, America knows that she is quickly on her way out of North Africa/The Middle East. There is no way that she can stay there. The time is against her.

dz She is still trying to put a brave face on her defeat. From Afghanistan to Pakistan and the whole area, She is desperate to forge some sort of a victory, before she makes her last stand as a global power in Europe.


She also knows well that she will then be pushed or forced completely out of Asia. Why do you think she keeps provoking North Korea? Why do you think she is so heavily invested in keeping territorial disputes over there festering?


She does so to justify her presence and to justify her military build up and spying. She is prying to see if any of them in that area are ready to take her as scripture teaches us they will do. Believe me, she is no fool.

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