Effigies of black people found hanging at UC Berkeley


Effigies of black people found hanging at UC Berkeley

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The effigy of a black man is seen hanging on UC Berkeley campus on December 13, 2014.

Effigies of three black people have been found hanging by a noose on UC Berkeley campus, triggering a demonstration by students.

Police and students took down the effigies of three lynching victims from two locations on the campus on Saturday.

University spokeswoman Amy Hamaoui said she was “unsure of the intent,” adding police was trying to find out those responsible

The effigies were labeled with the last words African American Eric Garner said — “I can’t breathe.” — before he was put in fatal chokehold by NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo.

Two of the effigies, found hanging from the school’s Sather Gate, were cardboard cutouts of a picture dating back to 1911, which showed African American Laura Nelson lynched along with her 18-year-old son, Lawrence, near Muskogee, Oklahoma.

It was not immediately clear who was behind hanging of the life-size photos.

A UC Berkeley student expressed hopes that the move meant to “bring attention to the issue.”

The move came as hundreds of thousands of protesters took to streets in major cities including Washington, DC, and New York to slam police brutality and racial profiling against the African American community.

Source: PTV

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