The strong-hold of the American government(the US dollar) is falling to pieces…Nations are running from it!


nyhyhyYou never paid close attention to what Elijah Muhammad was talking about as he announced that decline of the US dollar, even as the dollar was the unchallenged unrivaled currency of the world. You never thought that you would live to see just what he spoke of coming to be.

You were wrong. So many others were too. Now you are getting it crystal clear and undiluted.

doro2There is a prophecy relating to America mentioned in Isaiah (47:1) as a “virgin daughter” of ancient Babylon’s history. As we all know, America is the last, the greatest and the richest remaining power of the white nations. But now she is falling and the prophet Isaiah says, “Come and sit down in the dust,” humble yourself, for you are no more called delicate.

doroNow justice stands in her door. And judgment is in the process of removing her power and tool of influence. Babylon the great has indeed fallen. She no longer has the shine that she once had. More so ,she has become lackluster. 

Concerning the decline of the US dollar he proclaimed that…” The strong-hold of the American government is falling to pieces. She has lost her prestige among the nations of the earth. One of the greatest powers of America was her dollar. The loss of such power will bring any nation to weakness, for this is the media of exchange between nations.”-pg.87(tfoa)

On the same page of the same book he goes further and states this…”This is the number – one fall, and it is very clear that the loss of the power of the American dollar means the loss of the financial power of America.”

Now we are living in the fulfillment of those words and those statements. If you still doubt to validity of those statements all one has to do is look and read this:

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