You would have to be totally blind or an absolute fool ,or both not to recognize what is going on!(This is The judgment)


x333The MidWest, The Central , & North-Easthern America is under the gun of snow, hail, ice, cold, and floods. The West Coast, the South West, and the Southern region is under the gun of terrific drought. Why? It’s because  The Judgment has become unbearable for them to handle.

You would have to be totally blind or an absolute fool ,or both not to recognize what is going on! The destiny of America is destruction. And guess what? It has most surely arrived.

x33I warn you to wake up to this great truth before it is too late for you. Please don’t act as doubting Thomas did…”The Bible mentions that God used a destroying wind (Jeremiah 51:1) against those who opposed His purpose and aims. Is it not true that day and night somewhere in America there are destructive tornadoes and storms destroying the property and lives of Americans?

Go to sleep to the reality of the judgment of America, a repetition of ancient Babylon’s judgment, if you like to be caught in the snare. As God has said, He laid a snare for ancient Babylon (Jeremiah 50:24) and ancient Babylon was taken in that snare.”-pg.137(tfoa)

American Southwest suffers persistent drought conditions


Posted by Chillymanjaro


Most of the US Southwest region has been suffering from a persistent lack of rain and snow. More than 64 million people are directly affected by drought in the Southwest and Southern Plains, and far more are indirectly affected, mostly in agricultural sector.


Drought intensity maps in seven key states on November 18, 2014. The maps show drought stages areas in progressive shades of orange to red. (Maps by Jesse Allen, using data provided by the United States Drought Monitor service at University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Caption by Michael Carlowicz.)

California is experiencing the worst drought conditions. The past three years have been the driest in California history, and it looks like 2014 will be the hottest on record. Since April 2014, the entire state of California was in some stage of drought. 80 % was in extreme drought and 55 % was classified with exceptional drought in middle of November 2014. In period between October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2014, California received just 20 % of normal rainfall and 18 % of it snowpack. Reservoirs in the state collectively stood at 57 % of its capacity.

The most affected states are Nevada (97 % drought), Arizona (85 % drought), Oklahoma (64 % drought), New Mexico (63 % drought), Utah (59 % drought) and Texas (44 % drought).

According to the weekly U.S. Drought Monitor (USDM), about 29.6 percent of the contiguous U.S. (CONUS) (about 24.7 percent of the U.S. including Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico) was classified as experiencing moderate to exceptional (D1-D4) drought at the end of October….More Here

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